Temperature range -80°C . +40°C
Accuracy up to ±1.0°C
8,000 logs
Smallest sampling frequency 1 minute
Rated for a typical trip of 2 weeks duration (SRIL-8) or up to 3 trips of 2 weeks duration (TRIL-8) at dry ice temperatures over a 2 year period.
- WiFi and Ethernet Connection
- PoE Support
- Out of the Box Plug and Play capability with one temperature sesor included
- Monitoring and Setup via any browser window
- Free Web Portal Connection
- İphone, Android monitoring via SensDesk Portal
- Support for 3 Digital Sensors
- 2x Digital Inputs
- Email alarm
- SNMP support
- 0.1 C Resolution
Temperature range -25°C . +60°C
Accuracy up to ±0.5°C
4,000 logs
Smallest sampling frequency 1 minute
Up to 6-month battery operating life
Rated for a single trip