Seber Technology Products

The Newsteo products (LOG, LGR; LGS) can be used in two modes depending on the customer's application.

  • Monitoring Mode: the measurements are sent in real-time to the radio receiver, for a real-time supervision.
  • Record Mode: measurements are stored in the memory of the logger. When the user gives the order by radio, the measurements are then downloaded on PC. This mode is used for measurement campaigns with consultation/treatment of data a-posteriori, without possibility of having real-time alerts.
 LogTag LTI - Arayüz Bağlantısı

Once connected to the USB port of your PC (RS232 also available) the interface cradle can be placed permanently yet unobtrusively on your desk, allowing fast throughput when processing multiple loggers.


The LogTag TIC20 is a disposable electronic temperature indicator for use in monitoring temperature & time statistics in pharmaceutical transport applications of up to 20 days duration.